Our Collegiate BOLD program is a bi-semester learning opportunity for college students designed to equip them with the fundamental skills necessary to serve on junior boards and student organizations and make a difference in the lives of young adults on campus and in our community. Students currently attending Coe College, Kirkwood Community College, and Mount Mercy University are eligible to participate.

During the fall semester, students will

  • Attend six weekly skills seminars
  • Complete one-hour of prework in preparation for the class

During the spring semester, students will

  • Meet with a BOLD mentor each month through graduation
  • Observe board meetings of nonprofit organizations in real-world situations
  • Complete an internship, service project, or leadership interview with a nonprofit organization

Contact Angelica Vannatta at angelica.vannatta@uweci.org to be considered for the program and connected to your campus representative.

Collegiate BOLD graduates
Collegiate BOLD
  • Journie Amunique – Mt. Mercy
  • Maria Bellos Escobar – Coe College
  • Tiaja Butler – Our Future
  • Maritza Cruz – Mt. Mercy
  • Aigelica Ellis – Coe College
  • Carson Jensen – Kirkwood
  • Janessa Marshall – Coe College
  • Hailey Meacham – Coe College
  • Mariam Nawar – Kirkwood
  • Nasharia Patterson – Mt. Mercy
  • Brock Teel – Kirkwood
  • Ellen Waynawhere – Kirkwood
  • Krystal Willmsen – Coe College
  • Amirah Al-Suleiman, Coe College
  • Amna Altaei, Mount Mercy University
  • Carson Brincks, Kirkwood Community College
  • Cecilia Bwanakweri, Mount Mercy University
  • Christine Bwanakweri, Mount Mercy University
  • Tristan Corcoran, Coe College
  • Max Gorden Mercer, Coe College
  • Lauren Imhoff, Mount Mercy University
  • David Johnson, Kirkwood Community College
  • Fiona Kilgore, Coe College
  • Toby Lister, Coe College
  • Emily Meth, Kirkwood Community College
  • Jennifer Nino, Coe College
  • Lena Osman, Coe College
  • Skyler Stookey, Coe College