A Farewell from Lois
December 22, 2016 | United Way Team

Dearest friends:

United Way CEO Lois BuntzAfter 12 great years, I’m closing my office door at United Way. It has been an experience I’ll never forget.

As the first and only woman to serve as CEO at United Way of East Central Iowa, I remember how nervous I felt as I stepped in this role. I expected challenges and rece
ived some; I expected success and found some. But I never expected to find the most passionate and committed people in the community who became my partners.

As East Central Iowans, you work hard to make us one of the most respected United Ways in the region. Together, we helped thousands of people in need and made this community a better place for everyone.

It has been a delight, pleasure, and honor to work with all of you. I will miss your energy and creative intelligence, your passion for the mission of United Way, and the dedication to community that you demonstrate every day. Though I will no longer work at United Way, I will be supporting you from the sidelines. I will be your cheerleader and your ambassador. I will be your biggest advocate.

The next version of United Way will be better than ever. Keep up the great work!

With gratitude,
