Financial Stability
Introducing Impact Report Cards
From excel docs to interactive data, take some time to learn more about UWECI’s new Impact Report Cards!
Cultivating Community: Tabling Hunger
Read how we partnered with North Linn High School FFA to shed light on hunger in Linn County by hosting our first hunger banquet, Tabling Hunger.
Reducing Homelessness: Willis Dady Shelter
Susan received support from Willis Dady as she and her three kids moved to Iowa for a fresh start.
Homelessness in Our Community: Point-in-Time Report
Homelessness continues to be an issue here in East Central Iowa. Read about Linn County Continuum of Care's findings from its Point-in-Time count and Individual and Family Needs Survey.
Financial Stability Goal Update
Read about the progress we have made on our community financial stability goal since 2009.
We Fight for Carrie's Family: Willis Dady
United Way and Willis Dady work together to reduce homelessness. Learn how they saved Carrie's family from eviction.
Condition of Our Community: Housing
In East Central Iowa, housing continues to be the number one need. Learn more about this critical issue.
Scheduling Your VITA Appointment
Everything you need to know about scheduling your free tax preparation appointment with VITA!