Summer slide sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s a serious issue affecting too many children every year.

Joining a summer reading program is a great way to keep kids learning!
Also known as summer learning loss, it means students can lose up to two or three months of learning while on summer break. This happens when children do not participate in activities that engage their minds and keep their learning skills sharp.
Fortunately, no child needs to suffer from summer slide. Keeping their minds engaged does not need to be an expensive endeavor. Participating in activities such as summer reading programs offered through public libraries, attending community events, and even encouraging kids to use their imagination while playing at the park can help keep their minds sharp as they enjoy the summer heat.
Our community offers many ways to keep children thinking throughout the summer. Public libraries, book stores, and even the Cedar Rapids Kernels offer reading programs that reward children for spending time reading during the summer. Old McDonald’s Farm at Bever Park, Indian Creek Nature Center, and Wickiup Hill Learning Center all provide outdoor learning opportunities for children and parents alike.
Today is a great time to introduce daily reading time, go on outings to fun and educational activities, make home art projects, and encourage children to use their imaginations to create their own games. Create a summer bucket list with your child to keep track of your daily adventures!